The IMS received the WISE Award from the Qatar Foundation in 2016
Our Partners
Ministry of Tourism
The Ministry of Tourism has encouraged the launching of the Institute of Management and Services (IMS), an educational institution specialized in trainings that respond to the development of rural tourism in the villages. Since 2004 they support our training programs focused on management and tourism services and rural tourism projects.
Municipality of Byblos
The Municipality of Byblos has been our partner since 2004. It has accompanied the different phases of implementation: awareness, construction of the buildings, trainings, implementation of rural tourism projects.
IECD is a French Non-profit organization with a long and successful experience in vocational training and support to MSEs that is accumulated from numerous projects in different parts of the developing world. IECD launched IMS with the financial support of Conseil Général des Hauts de Seine (CGHS) in partnership with the Municipality of Byblos in 2009.